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Publication Details for Inproceedings " An Isolation Scheduling Model for Multicores"



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Authors: Pengcheng Huang, Georgia Giannopoulou, Rehan Ahmed, Davide Basilio Bartolini, Lothar Thiele
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Inproceedings
Title: An Isolation Scheduling Model for Multicores
Year: 2015
Month: December
Book Titel: Proc. of the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS)
Pages: 141-152
Abstract: Efficiently exploiting multicore processors for real-time applications is challenging because jobs that run concurrently on different cores can interfere on shared resources, severely complicating precise timing analysis. We propose a new scheduling model called Isolation Scheduling (IS); IS provides a framework to exploiting multicores for real-time applications where tasks are grouped in classes. IS enforces mutually exclusive execution among different task classes, thus avoiding inter-class interference by construction. We show that IS encompasses several recent advances in real-time scheduling as special cases and we propose global and partitioned scheduling algorithms based on this model. Specific results are provided if the task classes correspond to different safety criticality levels.
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA
Resources: [BibTeX] [ External LINK ] [Paper as PDF]



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