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Publication Details for Book "Reducing Bloat in GP with Multiple Objectives"



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Authors: Stefan Bleuler, Johannes Bader, Eckart Zitzler
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Book
Title: Reducing Bloat in GP with Multiple Objectives
Year: 2007
Pub-Key: BBZ07a
Keywords: EMO
ISBN: 3540729631
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: This chapter investigates the use of multiobjective techniques in Genetic Programming (GP) in order to evolve compact programs and to reduce the effects caused by bloating. The underlying approach considers the program size as a second, independent objective besides the program functionality and several studies have found this concept to be successful in reducing bloat. Based on one specific algorithm, we demonstrate the principle of multiobjective GP and show how to apply Pareto-based strategies to GP. This approach outperforms four classical strategies to reduce bloat with regard to both convergence speed and size of the produced programs on an even-parity problem. Additionally, we investigate the question of why the Pareto-based strategies can be more effective in reducing bloat than alternative strategies on several test problems. The analysis falsifies the hypothesis that the small but less functional individuals that are kept in the population act as building-blocks for larger correct solutions. This leads to the conclusion that the advantages are probably due to the increased diversity in the population.
Resources: [BibTeX]



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